Download KMS VL All AIO Windows & Office Activator Gratis – Windows Activator dan Offce Activator ini sudah mendukung semua versi tanpa terkecuali, bahkan Windows 11 Pro. Ini adalah sebuah standalone batch script yang mampu mengaktivasi Windows & Office product menggunakan sistem local KMS Server Emulator.
Aplikasi KMS VL All AIO ini di design secanggih mungkin untuk tidak bertabrakan dengan aktivasi software lainnya, sehingga system anda tidak akan bermasalah ketika ada 2 local KMS yang terinstall. Cara menggunakannya juga sangat mudah dengan tampilan CGI yang sederhana. Proses aktivasi menggunakan KMS VL ALL sangat mudah dan cepat.

Bahkan KMS VL ALL AIO v53 ini bisa aktivasi Windows 11 terbaru. Begitupula dengan versi Windows dan Office lainnya. Download KMS VL All AIO Windows Activator Gratis pada link dibawah ini.
Fitur KMS VL All AIO Windows 11
- KMS VL is a portable all-in-one script with easy user interface
- You can easily install, remove and check activation on Windows & Office
- Any options and configuration can be accessed immediately with no knowledge prior
- After installing the KMS Activator, it will extracted via Windows Powershell
- It also picks up an auto administrator elevation request
- This application create a local KMS System for storing a genuine yet amazing activation
- It also has a mechanism of SSExtComObjPatcher for KMS Emulator so it will runs perfectly
- KMS VL All AIO v53 support Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11 respectively
- Not only that, it also can activate Microsoft Office 2016, Office 2019 and the latest KMS Office 2021
Windows & Office Yang Bisa Di Aktivasi KMS VL All AIO v53
- Windows 7:
Enterprise /N/E, Professional /N/E, Embedded POSReady/ThinPC - Windows 8:
Enterprise, Pro, Pro with Media Center, Core, Core Single Language, Core China, Embedded Industry Enterprise/Pro - Windows 8.1:
Enterprise, Pro, Pro with Media Center, Core, Core Single Language, Core China, Pro for Students, Bing, Bing Single Language, Bing China, Embedded Industry Enterprise/Pro/Automotive - Windows 10/11 on ARM64 is supported. Windows 8/8.1/10/11 N editions variants are also supported (e.g. Pro N)
- Office Volume 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019 / 2021 / 2024
- Windows 10/11:
Enterprise, Enterprise LTSC/LTSB, Enterprise G, Enterprise multi-session, Enterprise, Education, Pro, Pro Workstation, Pro Education, Home, Home Single Language, Home China - Windows Server 2022/2019/2016:
LTSC editions (Standard, Datacenter, Essentials, Cloud Storage, Azure Core, Server ARM64), SAC editions (Standard ACor, Datacenter ACor, Azure Datacenter) - Windows Server 2012 R2:
Standard, Datacenter, Essentials, Cloud Storage - Windows Server 2012:
Standard, Datacenter, MultiPoint Standard, MultiPoint Premium - Windows Server 2008 R2:
Standard, Datacenter, Enterprise, MultiPoint, Web, HPC Cluster
Cara Aktivasi Windows Dengan KMS
- Download file KMS VL All AIO Windows Activator Gratis
- Extract menggunakan aplikasi Winrar terbaru
- Matikan antivirus dan disable Windows Defender Realtime Protection
- Jalankan file KMS_VL_ALL_AIO.cmd
- Untuk Aktivasi tekan tombol 2, dan tekan Enter
- Utuk melihat status, gunakan menu nomor 8
- Untuk menghapus KMS, gunakan menu nomor 3
- Selesai
Link Download KMS VL All AIO Windows Activator
- Download File | Via Pixeldrain
- Download File | Via Krakenfile
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